3 Zodiac Signs Whose Friendships Change On May 19

There are three zodiac signs who are most likely to experience this in some way in their friendships.  

. The astrological energy of the moon opposing Mars is notorious for kindling endings, and it is said that this energy will trigger endings.  

It is not the case that everything is intended to last, including friendships. We must comply by the laws of this world, which is a world that gives and takes.  

Under the impact of the moon's opposition to Mars, three zodiac signs have come to the realization that  

the time has come for endings to take place, and the good news is that we are prepared for them.  


Even if it takes some time to understand what's going on, you'll be able to rise above it all by the end of the day, when you realize that losing that one troublesome friend was unavoidable. You two couldn't possibly continue, after everything you've been through.  


Yes, this is reality, Libra, and while you'd like to work with ideas and illusions, you've learned that real life does not function that way. What you hoped from this friend is not only unachievable, but it's terrible to believe it didn't happen. Perhaps all you wanted was for this friend to love you, but instead you discovered that they were only using you for this, that, and the other thing. T  


You'd like to believe that the buddy you've just let go was unkind to you, or that they were the reason the friendship ended, but you know better. All friendships require two people, and whether it's due to pride or ego is irrelevant anymore. What you know is that with the Moon opposing Mars, you'll realize that this once-close friendship has passed its course.  


You'd like to believe that the buddy you've just let go was unkind to you, or that they were the reason the friendship ended, but you know better. All friendships require two people, and whether it's due to pride or ego is irrelevant anymore. What you know is that with the Moon opposing Mars, you'll realize that this once-close friendship has passed its course.  

4 Most Stressed Zodiac Sign