For Each Zodiac Sign on May 19, Moon Oppose Mars


What are your personal values, Aries? The last day of Taurus season brings into focus the aspects of your life that are most important to you. This is a day of clarity. You can put your foot on the proper road if you're going in the wrong direction. Knowing what you want will be critical to making those dreams a reality when the Gemini season begins later this week.  


It's been a fantastic month, Taurus, and now it's time to close things up for the season. The Sun will leave your sign tomorrow, making the final day of Taurus season particularly memorable for you. Today is a perfect day to organize your priorities. Because Venus is in your sign until next week, concentrate on money, fitness, and material possessions.   


You win some and lose some, Gemini. On the final day of Taurus season, you obtain spiritual insights that were previously unknown to you. Emotional roadblocks that undermine your confidence are among the areas to address. A self-reflective notebook might be an excellent tool to work through sensitivities you've discovered in the last month. Begin a meditation practice and picture how you want to spend your birthday.  


Friendship has been a prominent topic during May, and as we approach the end of Taurus season, it's time to recognize the significance that special people contribute to your life. Friendship Day is coming up this summer, so plan accordingly. Set up a dinner date with your best buddies to celebrate the day together  


Do you feel like your career is stagnant? On the final day of Taurus season, consider where you want to go next, particularly if you want to shift employment or make a lateral career move. The Sun, on the verge of Taurus, sharpens your ability to tackle key difficulties, so think about what talents you need to master to qualify for a different position.  


As a Mercury-ruled sign, you adore researching. Learning does not need to be expensive. You may even learn what you need to know by watching free lessons on YouTube, Skillshare, or Coursera. During the final day of Taurus season, reduce the amount of time you spend watching videos on social media and instead use that time to educational hobbies that benefit your mind. You'll be a polymath before you realize it!  


As a Mercury-ruled sign, you adore researching. Learning does not need to be expensive. You may even learn what you need to know by watching free lessons on YouTube, Skillshare, or Coursera. During the final day of Taurus season, reduce the amount of time you spend watching videos on social media and instead use that time to educational hobbies that benefit your mind. You'll be a polymath before you realize it!  


You might have acquired a few important lessons about personal and professional boundaries during Taurus season. So, on the last day of the Sun in the sign of the Bull, don't be shocked if the universe throws you a pop quiz to see how well you remember them. On this final day, you have the opportunity to demonstrate that you are in control of your destiny.  


You are intense, Scorpio, and when it comes to devotion, you are even more dedicated than most realize. On this final day of Taurus season, you may make a critical decision in a romantic or business relationship: are you in or out? While this may be a difficult decision, you can devote this day to determining what your heart desires.  

4 Most Stressed Zodiac Sign