Horoscopes Are Very Lucky For 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs The Week Of May 20 - 26

This week, May 20 - 26, we should expect joy and enjoyment, with five Chinese zodiac signs being the luckiest of all. They are: horse, ox, tiger, monkey, and dog. But, before we get into their lucky horoscopes, here are some general messages for everyone.  

This week's I Ching hexagram for luck is Earth over Earth (#2), which will change to Earth over Mountain (#15). It tells us that luck cannot enter our lives until we create room for it.   

So, unlock yourself and be open to the fullness of destiny. If you can merely believe in this cosmic gift, you will experience immense change and incredible manifestations. Just remember that finding your luck isn't enough.   

You must also enable it to progress at the appropriate time and pace. After instance, you can't make a tree grow in one month if its life cycle requires tending and sustenance for ten years before it bears fruit. Trust in the process.  

Wear a Rose Quartz pendant this week if you are drawn to it in order to be more open to the energies of good fortune. You can also meditate while holding it to help you stay grounded and at peace. Just make sure to jot down your observations after each session so you don't forget what you learned.  

Horse, do not underestimate the supernatural's power and effect in your life. Your luck this week will come from these strange regions, particularly your dreams. If feasible, keep a dream journal to record what you saw before your brain erases those transient recollections.   

1. Horse: Lucky dream

This week, Ox, you have great luck. Lean into it, and it will help you achieve your objectives and milestones faster. After all, it is called "speedy luck"! Remember that in order to lock in this luck, you may need to move outside of your comfort zone.  

2. Ox: Speedy luck!

Tiger, your luck this week is more introverted. If you allow yourself to turn inward and listen carefully to your heart, the proper solutions will emerge. This is how you'll lock in your luck.  

3. Tiger: Quiet luck

Monkey, your luck is double this week. If you're betting on something, whether it's an investment opportunity, a new enterprise, or a casino game, you're in luck. Know your bounds, though, because this luck will not last long. 

4. Monkey: Lucky option

Dog, your luck this week is inextricably linked to your feeling of self. If you have a tendency to sabotage yourself or engage in negative self-talk, you will miss out on this opportunity. Instead, if you believe in yourself and your ability, the route forward will become much easier.  

5. Dog: Quiet luck

4 Most Stressed Zodiac Sign