Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On Sunday, May 19


Aries, be transparent. As the Sun prepares to depart Taurus and enter Gemini, now is the moment to reveal what you most want from a partnership. Consider writing these things down for yourself, and then plan a date night to discuss them with your partner. Ask them to do the same.  


You have grown. During this month with the Sun in your sign, you've learned a lot about who you are in love. Now is the time to apply those essential skills to your relationships. Because of your newfound clarity, you will attract more of what you desire. This might be a positive change for both you and your partner.  


You might reunite with an ex. The last day of the Sun in Taurus can provide much-needed closure in your romantic life. This could be a period when you can overcome a problem that has been preventing you from going on to discover new love. If you want to reconcile this year, these chats may provide a glimpse into the future when Venus enters your sign.  


Friendship can help to strengthen the foundation of love. Today, you may notice romantic tensions between you and someone you've previously viewed platonically. Pay close attention to how their behavior towards you changes. You may discover that the sentiments are mutual. Do not be afraid to inquire.  


Respect is an essential component of any long-term relationship. The concept of respect and mutuality is a hot topic nowadays. Discuss what you need from your partnership. Model the same in return. Listen for any nasty chatter that has started. Commit to learning how to be a better partner and begin communicating openly without judgment.  


You may learn a lot by asking questions, and the same goes for your romantic life. There's a good chance you and your significant other don't know everything about each other. This challenges you to get out of your comfort zone and attempt new things. Create a couple's bucket list this week and decide which item to start with. You might become enthusiastic about the notion of working as a team and inspire a couple of your pals to do the same.  


Forever is a significant step, and you may feel more prepared than before. The final day of this solar season may have you wearing your heart on your sleeve. This could be the day when you think of a proposal and decide you want to be the one to pop the question.  


On the day the Sun enters Taurus season, you set your goals to gain healthy limits and self-love. Your attitude toward dealbreakers may have an impact on how you handle some aspects of your relationship. You may become less tolerant of minor offenses that you previously overlooked. You may discover that you have been able to look beyond those who used to irritate you, and now you accept them as unique expressions.  

4 Most Stressed Zodiac Sign