Luckiest Day Of Each Month In 2024 For The Aries Zodiac Sign

Monday, January 1 is a lucky day as Mercury moves direct in Sagittarius, the sign of luck, and Uranus moves direct in Capricorn, the sign of career.  

The luckiest day is Wednesday, February 7.   After the year begins with some exciting new happenings, February provides the opportunity to check in with yourself.   

Luckiest Day: Friday, March 29  March is a month of preparation before the influx of lucky and divine energy arrives in April and May. 

The luckiest day is Friday, April 19.   April is one of the luckiest months of the year for you, especially financially.  

The luckiest day is Thursday, May 23.   May is all about Sagittarius energy, which brings up themes like luck, abundance, expansion, and even travel.  

Luckiest day: Friday, June 21.   June and July are all about your career, which should provide some excellent outcomes, particularly given the decisions you made in January of this year.   

On Sunday, July 21, there will be a Capricorn Full Moon in your career sector and an infusion of Leo energy. This new chapter will not only bring more money, but also greater happiness.   

The luckiest day is Sunday, August 4.   After four months of fast-paced developments and chances, August brings a gentler pace and more joy in your life.   

The luckiest day is Sunday, September 8.   September delivers an intriguing elixir of vitality following August's vacation.  

Luckiest Day: Thursday, October 17  In October, everything changes again, and you are feeling more confident and certain about the direction your choices are leading you in. 

The luckiest day is Thursday, November 21.   Everything feels smoother in November, and with Pluto's permanent transition into Aquarius on November 19, those past tests are a distant memory.  

Luckiest day: Monday, December 30 Your job, financial, and luck trip this year is only one part of the story, but it is still significant.  

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