Sun Conjunct Jupiter May 18 Brings Abundance to 2 Zodiac Signs  

When the cosmos conspires to provide you luck and abundance, you must not question it. Believe that good things will happen and that destiny has no setbacks.   

When you embrace optimism, you see the world differently and realize that every moment of your path is meant to help you succeed.  

The Sun and Jupiter meet in Taurus today, creating one of the luckiest transits of 2024, boosting positivity and bringing luck, expansion, and abundance. Jupiter offers luck to anything it touches, whereas the Sun controls your external deeds.   

The two connecting in Taurus creates a sensation of movement and fresh possibilities as you feel like you are finally over your troubles. Taurus rules happiness, new beginnings, and long-term success. You must believe in your path and allow it to blossom to attract luck and abundance.  

I believe I should live in luxury and money. As Sun and Jupiter align in your money house, prepare for a financial miracle. As one of Venus's ruling signs, you adore luxury and being around what makes you happy. May 18 brings a huge benefit that will help you attract prosperity and live your destiny.  


On May 18, when the Sun and Jupiter align in Taurus, you will experience financial optimism, expansion, and abundance, as well as the confidence to deserve the best. This transit may bring a financial windfall or reward for a previous undertaking.   

As the Sun and Jupiter align in Taurus, your home of luck and abundance, a project is finalizing. Over the past year, you've been working on this project or new path in life, waiting for that perfect divine moment to feel like you've made it or are ready to launch it.  


Remember that Sun and Jupiter's lucky and plentiful energy will help you move with the universe if you've been holding off taking that leap of faith or reserving those travel tickets until now.  

The Sun and Jupiter will unite in Taurus on Saturday, May 18, a rare event in your life since 2012. Reflect on what you were doing, what you wanted to start, the chances you were taking, and the adventures you wanted.  

Now that Jupiter is almost through its Taurus period and about to enter Gemini on May 25, you should understand that you are being prompted to seize divine possibilities from the universe. Though fresh beginnings can be scary, you may be making a huge decision that could lead to new and exciting adventures.  

4 Most Stressed Zodiac Sign