These 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love May 20–26

Love luck is subjective. Too much nearsightedness can miss marvels. This week, May 20–26, 2024, is about love. Horse, Snake, Dragon, Rooster, and Ox will be the luckiest Chinese zodiac signs in this arena, but the rest should adopt a wider view.  

The I Ching hexagram of love this week is Mountain over Water (#4), transforming to Earth over Water (#7). It reminds us that love luck is typically experience-based. Don't beat yourself up if you didn't see the red flags and entertained unworthy or harmful people in the past. The one who abused free love is responsible.  

Instead, look within and reckon with your experiences. It will bring you catharsis, healing, and strength, all at the same time. Only then can you access the good luck that's waiting for you without sabotaging yourself or allowing anyone else to sabotage it? Now let's focus on the five Chinese zodiac signs that are the luckiest in love in the week of May 20 - 26.

Horse, your intuition will bring love this week. Be mindful throughout your day. Your luck will help you avoid bad dates and find people, places, and events that will make you shine if you're single.  


Snake, this week's love luck is about building a solid relationship and recognizing if you're compatible. Avoid self-justification. Out of your comfort zone and doing the unexpected will lead to true love for singles.  


Dragon, your luck is still strong after a few months of the Year of the Dragon. Singles should get rid of obsolete and useless things. Energetic ties to ex-lovers or hurtful people will prevent love luck.  


Rooster, introversion and interior activities will bring you affection this week. Singles should keep trying to find love online and through apps. It helps you spot red flags before an in-person date.  


Ox, this week's love luck is about acknowledging and thanking your fortunate. Without gratitude, it's easy to go astray.  


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